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Search Jobs

How can I get the most relevant search results for the type of Job I'm looking for?

The Job Titles that match are determined by the Keywords you entered. When choosing Keywords, you want to use the most commonly used terms in your field and combine them with Keywords that describe your Job Title.

Example: You are looking for Department Store Manager, a Keyword of manager returns Jobs with the word manager in the Title or Description, including Descriptions like this job reports to the HR Manager . To narrow your search to specific Job Titles, try using quotation marks around your Keywords to keep words from being split up.

Can I get any additional information on a Job Posting,esp contact info other than what is listed?

Employers only include information that they want Job Seekers to have. However, you find that an employer has omitted a form to contact them, please Contact Us and we will ask them to update that information as soon as possible with correct and accurate information. Although most Jobs are posted for 60 days, employers can remove their Jobs as they've recruited the right person for that job posting or whenever they want.

What should I do if I come across a Job Posting that I believe to be fraudulent?

The CareerViet.vn Terms of Use provide that CareerViet.vn disclaims responsibility for the information in any job postings and that job seekers' use of CareerViet.vn sites and their reliance on material posted by third parties on the CareerViet.vn sites is at their own risk. However, when fraudulent job postings are brought to CareerViet.vn's attention, CareerViet.vn takes action to protect job seekers. Such actions may include deleting the job posting, blocking the access of the job poster to the CareerViet.vn Job Database and having our legal department work with law enforcement authorities. To protect yourself from becoming a victim of these frauds, we suggest the following:

Do not give your social security number to any prospective employer even if they suggest that it is for a 'routine background check'.

CareerViet's Terms of Use prohibit job postings which require job seekers to pay any funds prior to employment. Do not give your credit card numbers, bank account number to and prospective employer or engage in any transaction in which you are requested to transfer or exchange currency or funds to or for a prospective employer.

Be cautious providing any personal information over the phone or online to prospective employers other than the information you have already provided in your resume.

When responding to individuals who purport to represent a prospective employer, research the company to ensure that they are legitimate.

While the above precautions are designed to help you avoid a fraudulent situation, they are by no means exhaustive, and you should exercise caution in dealing with unfamiliar parties.

If you feel you have been the victim of a crime by a person posing as a prospective employer who obtained your name and information from CareerViet, please keep inform us.

My CareerViet

What happens when I Apply Online?

When you Apply Online, the employer receives your Resume and Cover Letter (optional) via email. They can also access it at any time from their Manage Resumes folder within their CareerViet.vn account. All Applications you send using Apply Online are stored in your account on the Resume Report section. Your Resume Report does not track Applications you make via email, mail, or fax.

What can I do if I've forgotten my Username and/or Password?

Please click "Forgotten Password" on login page and then send to us your previous email address (if applicable). Once we verify your information, we will email your Username and Password to your current email address.

How can I see the Jobs I have applied to?

Your Applications can be viewed by logging into your account and clicking on Resume Report-Apply Online.

How do I update my email address or change my password?

You need to log into your account and click Edit Account Profile. Make any changes required, enter your password at the bottom of the page to confirm the changes, and then click Submit.

Profile job

Can I see which employers have viewed my Resume and how many times they've viewed it?

The Resume Views counter keeps a tally of the number of times your Resume has been viewed by employers who pulled your Resume from the database. If you Apply Online to a Job Posting, the employer receives your Resume in an email and this does not count towards your Resume Views. However, your Resume ID number is provided to the employer, giving them access to your Resume in the searchable database. This could result in an increase in the number of views that your Resume receives. We do not track who has seen your Resume, and you will only know that an employer has seen your Resume if they contact you.

What are the different levels of Confidentiality that I can have for my Resume?

You have three Confidentiality options when storing your Resume on CareerViet:

Searchable: When you post your Resume, you should choose Non-Confidential . This makes your Contact Information, Working Experience and References visible to employers. When you finish creating your Resume, click Searchable and your Resume will be Searchable by employers. Only one Resume can be Searchable at a time.

Confidential and Searchable:Storing your Resume as confidential keeps your Contact Information, present employer and References private, but your Resume is still Searchable by employers. Employers can contact you through an anonymous email address we assign you. It's your choice to contact the employer. Selecting Save my Resume as Confidential on the Contact Information screen stores your Resume as Confidential. If you want your present employer's name hidden, be sure to choose Present as the end date for your current Job on the Work Experience screen of the builder.

Not Searchable:Your Resume will be taken offline so that employers cannot search for it. However, your Resume still remains in our database and you can send it to employers when you Apply Online. This is a good option if you want to apply to a specific position without being contacted by other employers who have found your Resume online. You can make it Searchable in the future.

How do I change the Confidential status on my Resume?

1. Log in to your account and click Resumes on the navigation bar near the top of the page.
2. Click Edit below your Resume Headline.
3. Click Candidate Info on the list of Resume Sections.
4. Click Save.

I am not getting any hits (Resume Views) on my Resume. Am I doing something wrong?

Make sure that your Resume is Searchable. If it isn't Searchable you will not receive any hits. Click Renew on your Resume Listings and Activity page to refresh your Resume. This will make it appear as though your Resume was just posted.

How do I change the phone numbers listed on my resume?

1. Log into your account and click Resumes on the navigation bar near the top of the page.
2. Click Edit below your Resume Headline.
3. Click Candidate Info on the list of Resume Sections. On this page, you can change the phone numbers that you previously entered.
4. Click Save.