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ARON Consulting Services (Oracle Partner)

ARON Consulting Services (Oracle Partner)


Tầng 10, 47 Điện Biên Phủ, Phường Đa Kao, Quận1 HCMC VIETNAM

Company Information
  • Company size: 50++
  • Field of operations: Joint Stock
  • Website: http://www.aron.com.vn/

About us

ARON Consulting Services JSC comes with a strong background in the ERP Consulting Space, especially Oracle ERP. Our top management team, who served the biggest and the first ERP company in Vietnam for many years, established ARON with the vision to make it a competative player in the ERP Consulting Space.

We understand that, for a services company, the most valuabe asset of it is the human resources. Therefore, we invest into the expertise of the consultants than the number of consultants. We invest into the consultants team that having experience in business processes consulting, Oracle solutions and deetly understanding local requirements and culture.

Jobs active

Sales Specialist (B2B)

Sales Specialist (B2B)

ARON Consulting Services (Oracle Partner)

$ Competitive

  • Ho Chi Minh