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Công tyTNHH Bethel Vina, DT 823, ấp Tân Bình, xã Hòa Khánh Tây, huyện Đức Hòa, tỉnh Long An

Company Information
  • Company size: 100-499
  • Field of operations: Limited
  • Website: https://www.bethelvina.com/

About us

Bethel Vina's main business is manufacturing of high-quility OEM bags and backpacks for international brands. Bethel is established in South Korea in 1994, and acquired the factory in Viet Nam with the name "Bethel Vina Co., Ltd" in 2006.

Bethl Vina Co., Ltd is located in Long An province and only 40km from Tan Son Nhat airport. We now have 2 main factories and 1 office buiding for the more efficient operations as well as the sustainable development in the future.

The vision of Bethel is to become the forefront of OEM bag and backpack manufacturing, and to achieve this mission we completely comply with our mission of providing customers with high-quality products ast reasonable prices through environmentally and socially reponsible sustainable production practices


Message from BETHEL VINA