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Công Ty TNHH DV Tin Học Thảo Chương

Công Ty TNHH DV Tin Học Thảo Chương


Lầu 11 - Tòa nhà Hà Đô, Số 02 Hồng Hà, Phường 02, Quận Tân Bình, TP. Hồ Chí Minh

Company Information

About us

Thao Chuong Computer Science Service Company has been established since 1998. We processes and produces softwares for the U.S market, and we are a branch of the Head Company Edulog in the America (www.edulog.com). Working with us can provide you with a lot of proffesional experiences, an attractive salary range and bonus , a friendly and collaborative environment. We take efforts to train staffs and we don’t mind investing in employees’ proffession knowledge and ability. We understand that a strong human resource makes a successful business enterprise and we cherish every member of this team.