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Công ty TNHH InXpress Vietnam
Công ty TNHH InXpress Vietnam

Công ty TNHH InXpress Vietnam


Tầng 14, Tòa nhà HM Town, 412 Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Phường 5, Quận 3

Company Information
  • Company size: 25-99
  • Field of operations: Limited
  • Website: https://vn.inxpress.com/

About us

Since 1999 InXpress has served international customers with complete, customizable shipping solutions. Our online shipping software provides a fully VNtomated shipping process, and franchise owners around the world deliver best-in-class customer service. As one of DHL’s largest shipping partners, InXpress provides heavily discounted shipping to our customers by leveraging small volume shippers into large volume discounts.

Our buying power allows us to negotiate preferential rates with carriers and pass massive savings on to our customers. InXpress has been consistently ranked in the Franchise 500, ranked #1 in category in 2015.

InXpress is also ranked in the top 100 global franchise systems and received the Top 50 Franchisee Satisfaction Award. Company Values: GREAT

  1. Gives Back
  2. Results Driven
  3. Energetic Fun
  4. All in
  5. Targeted Improvement