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Công Ty TNHH Jill Lowe

Công Ty TNHH Jill Lowe


5.59, Tầng 5, Khu Officetel, RiverGate Residence, Số 151 - 155 Bến Vân Đồn, Phường 6, Quận 4, TP. HCM

Company Information
  • Field of operations: Limited

About us

Est. Since 1985 Here at Jill Lowe International, we believe in shaping you to your fullest potential & excellence. Named after her founder, Jill Lowe, Jill Lowe Group has established a history of more than 30 years in the market. From a budding pioneer of the industry to a key influence till date, an increase of clientele has led the group to branch into different markets, yet revolving around grooming talents. Till date, Jill Lowe Group has covered a range of consultancy services, academy and training, skin care and cosmetics products and services, and e-commerce. Through our life transformational strategies and image coaching programmes, you will be equipped with progressive communication skills, a healthy self-image and a winning presence to empower you to succeed in your personal, social and professional life.