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Công Ty TNHH Logistics Mlc Itl

Công Ty TNHH Logistics Mlc Itl


Phòng 901, Toà Nhà Ocean Park, 1, Đường Đào Duy Anh, Đống Đa

Company Information
  • Company size: 25-99
  • Field of operations: Limited

About us

MLC-ITL Logistics, a Subsidiary of MITSUBISHI LOGISTICS CORPORATION (MLC), a member of the Mitsubishi Group of Companies in Japan. MLC-ITL was established to service the international transportation requirements of our customers and has grown to become a recognized leader in logistics offering global services to a diverse set of manufacturers, distributors, and traders.

Our core businesses are:
- Freight Forwarder
- Total Logistics
- Project