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Công ty TNHH Milensea

Công ty TNHH Milensea


Tầng 17, Tòa nhà Pearl Plaza, 561A Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh, Tp. HCM

Company Information
  • Company size: 100
  • Field of operations: Foreign
  • Website: https://milensea.com.vn/

About us

MilenSea is a company with 100% foreign investment, specializing in providing high-class cosmetics from the Dead Sea. We currently have 11 stores in Singapore, and more than 13 at Vincom & Parkson Shopping Centers in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Nha Trang, and Can Tho.

MilenSea is an exclusive distributor of high-end cosmetic products in the Vietnam market such as Gold Elements, Aqua Mineral & Botanifique


Known for its history of health and beauty benefits, the Dead Sea is referred to as "The Original Spa" - a place that attracts tourists around the world who are seeking solutions to skin problems and beauty secrets.

As the lowest place on the Earth with harsh environmental and air conditions, the Dead Sea contains special minerals that cannot be found or created elsewhere.

Dead Sea Water contains approximately 30% salt (compared to 3% in the Mediterranean Sea) and is made up of about 35 different types of mineral salts that only exist in the Dead Sea, which provide practical benefits to health.

The high salinity ratio makes the Dead Sea an extremely difficult environment for all living things, except the quick-recovering microorganisms, most notably Dunalliela Salina.

Rich in powerful antioxidants, Dunalliela Salina enriched with Magnesium, IoT, Calcium, Potassium, and other minerals that are capable of promoting blood circulation, rejuvenating, and improving the condition of cells, prevents wrinkles, and helps maintain soft, youthful skin for a soft, blemish-free flawless beauty.

With over 5 years of operation in the cosmetics industry in Vietnam, we are eager to bring our customers quality products with the highest ingredients and the most advanced technology.

Message from Công ty TNHH Milensea

Our company will launch a new business in the F&B industry. We are looking for new talents who can join us at the first milestone of the company in order to help us create a new operating system.