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Công Ty TNHH Modan Home
Công Ty TNHH Modan Home

Công Ty TNHH Modan Home


Số 02 Tôn Đức Thắng Phường Bến Nghé Quận 1 Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh

Company Information
  • Company size: 25-99
  • Field of operations: Limited
  • Website: https://modan-home.vn/

About us

Modan Home Company operates in the field of Real Estate, the segment of high-class apartments for rent with most of the customers being foreigners and the sale and transfer of apartments in Ho Chi Minh City.

Message from Công Ty TNHH Modan Home

Since 2018 until now, FDI inflows into Vietnam have started to increase sharply, Ho Chi Minh City has become the destination of many foreign and domestic companies and corporations. Therefore, the demand for rental housing in the central area is high. The city is getting bigger and bigger, but the service to support individual tenants or businesses here is not developed enough.

We want to help customers and partners save time and rent the best apartment by:

– Professional brokerage team, well-trained, good foreign languages and experienced in the field of apartments for rent in Ho Chi Minh City 

– Meet most of the company’s strict policies and procedures when renting houses for senior employees 

– High-quality brokerage service, capable of providing reasonable solutions to all problems of guests, landlords and customer support throughout the stay 

– Provide rental products with clear and transparent information. The number of products is large and diverse 

Jobs active

Nhân Viên Kinh Doanh Mảng Cho Thuê - Không Kinh Nghiệm - Hoa Hồng Cao

Nhân Viên Kinh Doanh Mảng Cho Thuê - Không Kinh Nghiệm - Hoa Hồng Cao

Công Ty TNHH Modan Home

$ 15 Mil - 50 Mil VND

  • Ho Chi Minh