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Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Đầu Tư Và Thương Mại The Garden

Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Đầu Tư Và Thương Mại The Garden


Hanoi, Vietnam

Company Information
  • Field of operations: Joint Stock

About us

We are the leading shopping center in VietNam which trades in real estate and finance. It is considered as the biggest shopping center of Vietnam with the size of 50% bigger than the other normal shopping centers in the country. To meet our strong growth and long-term requirements, we continuously find and recruit Operation Manager/Managing Director who are people-oriented and who share our values and drive. Let come to us to meet such friendly people, enjoy beautiful sceneries and take a chance of an interesting job. You can receive warm welcome from the company’s departments. Contact person: Ms. Huong/ Ms. Dao