Từ ngày 14/1/2024, CareerBuilder.vn chính thức đổi tên thành CareerViet.vn. Chi tiết xem tại đây.

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CX Technology VN

CX Technology VN


Đường Tân Thuận, Khu chế xuất Tân Thuận, Quận 7, Hồ Chí Minh

Company Information
  • Company size: 1.000-4.999
  • Field of operations: Foreign
  • Website: http://www.cxtechnology.com/EN_home/contactus

About us

Since the inception in 1972, CX has focused on products which require cold forging, stamping and plastic injection. With operations in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh, and CX’s 100% own subsidiary, Merrimack River Precision Industrial Corporation (MRP), the plastic injection plant in the northern province of Hai Duong, CX and MRP have accumulated years of experiences to manufacture cold forged automotive stereo speaker components. CX and MRP have established track records of 50+ years. We are quality conscious, experienced and skilled to manufacture components for automotive supply chain, as well as for other industries.

自1972年成立以來,錩新專注於冷鍛、沖壓和塑膠射出成型產品。並於南越的胡志明市設立生產基地,錩新持股100%的子公司 ─ 富川精密工業股份有限公司Merrimack River Precision Industrial Corporation (簡稱MRP) 則在北越海陽省設有塑膠射出成型廠,錩新和富川積累了50多年製造汽車揚聲器零組件的經驗,致力提供高品質和高技術能力之零部件於全球供應鏈。

Jobs active

Chuyên viên xuất nhập khẩu ( Tiếng Trung Tốt)

Chuyên viên xuất nhập khẩu ( Tiếng Trung Tốt)

CX Technology VN

$ 12 Mil - 20 Mil VND

  • Ho Chi Minh
Kĩ Thuật Viên Khuôn

Kĩ Thuật Viên Khuôn

CX Technology VN

$ Competitive

  • Ho Chi Minh