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FV Hospital

FV Hospital


No. 6, Nguyen Luong Bang St., Dist 7

Company Information
  • Company size: 1000
  • Field of operations: Foreign
  • Website: www.fvhospital.com

About us

FV Hospital is 100% foreign-owned; it is financed by a group of French, Swiss and Belgian doctors - all very experienced healthcare professionals - supported by the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV). Due to the nature of the sponsorship, FV Hospital has been built and is managed following stringent guidelines that applied during the conceptual phase, the building construction phase and, now, during our day-to-day operations. Officially opened in 2003, FVH is recognised as an international-standard general-tertiary hospital offering a wide range of medical and surgical services – all under one roof - from consultation and diagnosis, through to the completion of the patient’s treatment. We currently attend to over 150,000 patients a year, utilising one or more of our 30 specialised departments.