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70 Lữ Gia

Company Information
  • Company size: 100-499
  • Field of operations: Foreign
  • Website: https://gido.vn/

About us

Gido is a new project incubated by SCommerce (formerly known as Giaohangnhanh) with the ambition to create a digital platform for modern forwarding and cross-border delivery. The emergence of cross-border e-commerce raises the need for more transparent and efficient cross-border supply chain. Shipments need to be handled, processed and tracked at SKU and/or individual parcel level instead of container/ pallet, and cross-border inventory needs to be synchronized on a connected IT system to allow real time inventory allocation and supply chain shortening. Gido platform consists of 2 main modules: - Overseas warehouse management platform; - Freight forwarder platform; With this platform, Gido aspires to serve the following groups of customers: E-commerce marketplace who would like to support cross-border selling from other countries to Vietnam & Southeast Asia (cross-border delivery for e-commerce parcel); Customers who want to import from other countries such as China, Korea.. and need one comprehensive software to manage their shipments from these countries to Vietnam & Southeast Asia;

Message from Gido

Minh Bạch – Chính Xác – Chi Tiết Đến Từng Sản Phẩm 
