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Mesa Group

Mesa Group


202 Lý Chính Thắng, Phường 9, Quận 3

Company Information

About us

MESA GROUP was established in 1996, operating in the distribution field, then expanded into the field of communications, food, telecommunications, investment and real estate development. We develop distribution with many partners, international companies, famous brands in the world such as: P&G, Shell, Fresh Milk Table Cove, Nestle, Lock & Lock .... Our distribution network is available. Face in 24 provinces with more than 2,000 employees across the country. MESA F & B chain of luxury restaurants: MK Restaurant, Texas Chicken Chicken Restaurant, Hamburger Carl's Jr Restaurant, OOTOYA Japanese Restaurant and other prestigious global franchise brands. MESA GAMIFY (NEW BIG PROJECT) A world where virtual game and reality life connect as one. We believe a better world can be created by connecting people from different places. Gamify is a place where you can turn your virtual experience into physical rewards. Have you ever imagined playing fun and casual games on your mobile phone can earn you a can of soft drink? In Gamify, you can play different games at different locations to earn virtual items, which can be exchanged into physical rewards at a merchant near you. By combining game, social network and e-commerce, we strive to become the first and biggest gamified platform that not only connects users to other users, but also to a network of merchants, through O2O and digital loyalty program features. We are looking to build a passionate team in Vietnam to revolutionize mobile experience. Join us and let’s innovate in a fun way