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MOVI Việt Nam

MOVI Việt Nam


Tòa nhà K&M, Tầng 2 - 33 Ung Văn Khiêm, Phường 25, Bình Thạnh, Hồ Chí Minh

Company Information
  • Company size: 100-499
  • Field of operations: Joint Stock
  • Website: https://careers.movi.vn/

About us

We are Prosperity Builders. We work to improve lives, create security and a comfortable living. MOVI is on a mission to lead the financial services industry and shape a culture of financial literacy in Vietnam.

We at MOVI aim to make available financial services by enabling our customers to achieve their dreams in a financially responsible manner. We want to achieve nationwide financial inclusion for all workers in Vietnam by providing our products and services through excellence, innovation and integrity.

The vision of Movi is to be the leading and most trusted digital financial services company to achieve national financial inclusion and shape a culture of financial literacy in VietNam

Visit our website for more information about us: https://www.movi.vn/en/about/us 

Message from MOVI Việt Nam

At Movi, we foster a highly professional, supportive work environment that enables our employees to help maximize our customers' prosperity. We focus on building long-term customer relationships and giving back to our communities to develop shared and sustainable growth for a better world.
Join Movi today to foster your career and contribute to our community!

Jobs active

General Accountant

General Accountant

MOVI Việt Nam

$ 23 Mil - 25 Mil VND

  • Ho Chi Minh
Chief Accountant

Chief Accountant

MOVI Việt Nam

$ Competitive

  • Ho Chi Minh