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Ngân Hàng Phát Triển Châu Á (ADB)

Ngân Hàng Phát Triển Châu Á (ADB)


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà CornerStone,16 Phan Chu Trinh

Company Information
  • Field of operations: Joint Venture

About us

The Asian Development Bank’s vision is a region free of poverty. Established in 1966 and headquartered in Manila, Philippines, ADB’s multicultural staff come from about 67 members. The advertised position is a local staff position with a local remuneration package. It is open only to persons who are nationals and residents of Vietnam. The position is for a 3-year fixed term appointment. ADB offers a competitive salary and benefits package applicable to local staff.  While the position advertised is for the Vietnam Resident Mission, ADB staff may be required to serve in any location outside the Resident Mission at the discretion of Management.

To apply, visit:
