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Representative Office of Kimson Limited

Representative Office of Kimson Limited


185 Cô Bắc, Phường Cô Giang, Quận 1, HCM

Company Information
  • Company size: 50
  • Field of operations: Foreign

About us


Kim Son Ltd is a speciality frozen food distributor with a head office in London. We have a large customer base in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Continental Europe.

We supply a great variety of products including exotic seafood, vegetables, fruits, snacks and ready meals. Our exotic seafood range include a wide selection of marine fish, fresh water fish, fish pastes, white fish fillets, shrimps, blue swimming crabs, soft-shell crabs, cuttlefish, squids, baby octopus, clams, scallops, apple snails, sea cucumbers, abalones and flog legs .

As the largest distributor of Vietnamese seafood in the UK, our products are carefully sourced from well-established manufacturing partners all whom are EU approved. All our products are thoroughly cleaned and prepared to save customers valuable time when it comes to cooking that meal. Our finished products are fresh frozen and vacuumed packed to preserve quality and freshness. And to further ensure that quality and freshness is maintained, we store all our products in modern purpose-built 24 hour temperature-regulated cold stores.

It is also our endeavour to continue seeking new products everyday to widen our product range even more. We can be sure there is something for every customer!

Our specialist knowledge of the seafood industry together with strong customer focus will provide you and your customers with complete satisfaction. Kim Son is a brand representing premier quality, reliability and second-to-none customer service.

Kim Son, a brand representing premier quality, reliability and consistently good services.