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Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.


6/F, Tuildonai Building 119 Dien Bien Phu, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Company Information
  • Field of operations: Limited
  • Website: www.tebodin.com

About us

Tebodin is an independent international company of consultants and engineers, with know-how in a wide range of industries and technological areas. Experience built up over five decades guarantees an optimal approach tailored to meet clients' requirements. With over 3,300 employees in principal offices within the Netherlands, Germany, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Caribbean, Tebodin is capable of handling any project, large or small, single or multidisciplinary. The skilled and highly qualified staffs of engineers keeps the company firmly in touch with the ever-increasing developments in the engineering world, where innovations and software based techniques emerges at a rapid pace. Tebodin Vietnam was formed as a result of indispensable development of Tebodin around the world. Tebodin Vietnam is a local branch of an internationally operating engineering company with over 3.300 engineers located in 20 countries over 50 offices. Tebodin Vietnam within skilled and high qualified staff of engineers is a fully specialized company that combines know-how in a wide range of international industries and technological areas as well as the local requirements. To make a full benefit of the company’s background, Tebodin works with the international experts and local project engineers who have managed the large projects.