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MattenPlant Pte Ltd

MattenPlant Pte Ltd

Địa điểm

Phòng số 6, Lầu 19, Số 4, Đường Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Phường Đa Kao, Quận 1, TP.HCM, Việt Nam

Thông tin công ty
  • Qui mô công ty: 25-99
  • Loại hình hoạt động: 100% vốn nước ngoài
  • Website: http://mattenplant.com

Giới thiệu về công ty

MATTEN endeavours to make the applications of water technologies simple, through intelligent and sustainable design. This commitment is reflected in the company logo, which is made up of multihued constituents inspired by the structure of a water molecule — core to the identity of MATTEN. The transitory nature of water treatment is depicted by the change in colour.

The dots depict our deployment of Digital Solutions and Smart Devices, harnessing the power of data and analytics for decision making. The three colours are all brought together through interconnecting lobes, symbolising people, technology, and environment.

Thông điệp từ MattenPlant Pte Ltd

Water technology made simple
Solutions with intelligent and sustainable design