Tìm việc dễ dàng...


Địa điểm

Hồ Chí Minh

  • Lương

    Cạnh tranh

  • Kinh nghiệm

    Trên 3 Năm

  • Cấp bậc

    Quản lý

  • Hết hạn nộp


Phúc lợi

  • Chế độ bảo hiểm
  • Du Lịch
  • Chế độ thưởng
  • Chăm sóc sức khỏe
  • Đào tạo
  • Tăng lương

Mô tả Công việc

  1. Managing team

- Supervise all MRs in order to keep company regulation

- Control day-to-day advising operation

- Coaching and allocating areas for MRs to achieve targets of company

- Managing talents

2. Managing performance

- Supervise & check all MRs’ job performance

- Following the consulting performance & working attitude of each MR

3. Managing Business

- Coordinate with line manager on planning and assigning advising targets and allocate areas for MRs

- Organize product presentation for partners

- Coordinate with line manager to setting budget for consultant/ promotion expenses related to the medicine introduction activities

- Present products to small group of partners

- Manage vacancies by recruiting MRs in collaboration with HR

- Introduction target achieve must be over 100%, expenses should be less than 100%

4. Follow Compliance, Code of Conducts and Policies

- Understood, monitored, respected and followed all company and industry compliance topics/requirements

- Performs other duties as assigned by supervisor

Yêu Cầu Công Việc

  1. University Medicine/ Pharma degree or Doctor degree

  2. Having at least 03 years of experience working in a multinational company, responsible for the specialty products such as: Psychology, Neurology, Oncology…

  3. Minimum one years in same position detailing in a multinational company of pharmaceutical products 

Thông tin khác

  • Bằng cấp: Đại học
  • Hình thức: Nhân viên chính thức
  • Độ tuổi: 30 - 50
  • Lương: Cạnh tranh
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