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RGF HR Agent Vietnam Co., LTD

107714 - B2C Sales Staff - Nhân viên Kinh doanh - Electronics

RGF HR Agent Vietnam Co., LTD
Địa điểm

Hồ Chí Minh

  • Lương

    11 Tr - 18 Tr VND

  • Kinh nghiệm

    4 - 5 Năm

  • Cấp bậc

    Nhân viên

  • Hết hạn nộp


Phúc lợi

  • Chế độ bảo hiểm
  • Du Lịch
  • Chế độ thưởng
  • Chăm sóc sức khỏe
  • Đào tạo
  • Tăng lương

Mô tả Công việc

- Work Location: District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

- Monthly Salary: 11M ~ 18M VND Gross

<Job Responsibilities>
- Sales management: receive and process purchase orders, manage delivery and payment status of goods
- PSI Management (Production, Sales, and Inventory): manage distributors’s monthly sales, inventory, and annual purchase forecast.
- Cooperate with distributors, and marketing team to organize and hold promotional events to increase product sales (seminar, distribution of samples and leaflets, dealer visits,…)
- Manage in-store marketing (showroom, POSM,..) and sales status of key sub-leaders and shops by guidelines to increase product availability, improve brand awareness and end-user experience
- Expand the distribution network by supporting the development of new areas with current distributors, new distribution channels

Yêu Cầu Công Việc

<Necessary Skill / Experience>
・Language: English - Business level
・Working experience: Have at least 4-5 years of experience in B2C sales (Excluding other industries such as IT and real estate)
・Good at MS Office Frequent traveling when required to visit customers.
・Supportive, diligent, and optimistic person.
・Having good negotiation skills

<Preferable Skills>
・Good knowledge of home electronics or equipment or lighting equipment


Only shortlisted candidates will be approached by RGF's consultant. Your resumes will be recorded in our system, and you will receive our Job Introduction Auto-email with suitable jobs in the coming time. Please check your email regularly to get our vacant job. Thanks so much!

Thông tin khác

  • Bằng cấp: Đại học
  • Độ tuổi: 26 - 30
  • Lương: 11 Tr - 18 Tr VND
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