Tìm việc dễ dàng...

Địa điểm

Bình Thuận

  • Ngày cập nhật


  • Ngành nghề

    Ngành khác

  • Hình thức

    Nhân viên chính thức

  • Lương

    Cạnh tranh

  • Kinh nghiệm

    10 - 15 Năm

  • Cấp bậc

    Trưởng nhóm / Giám sát

  • Hết hạn nộp


Phúc lợi

  • Laptop
  • Chế độ bảo hiểm
  • Du Lịch
  • Phụ cấp
  • Chế độ thưởng
  • Chăm sóc sức khỏe
  • Đào tạo
  • Tăng lương
  • Công tác phí
  • Nghỉ phép năm

Mô tả Công việc

1. Review basic patterns and follow the T2 (Extreme sizes) fitting samples, forwarding them to headquarters for fitting approval. Take charge of the entire commercialization process and associated tasks.
2. Collaborate with the factory to proceed T3 (Full sizes) hand-cut trials in conjunction with the factory's commercialization team. Evaluate options for making the stitching process more production-friendly or computerized. Review T3 trials, conduct meetings with the QA team and the factory team to resolve technical issues, and then authorize the factory to proceed T4 trials.
3. Continuously monitor the factory's commercialization team to ensure the completion of T4 in accordance with our production schedule prior to the first ex-factory date. Review the relevant process and SOPs, and organize meetings with our QA and factory teams to confirm the start of production.
4. Assess the T4 Handover package, including testing reports, grading charts, BOM, and SOPs, to ensure a seamless transition from cutting to packing.
5. Manage the dispatch of T4 extreme samples to headquarters for review and fitting. Diligently follow up on testing requirements especially waterproof test prior to production.
6. Supervise the QA inspector, providing clear guidelines and setting weekly goals to be achieved.

Yêu Cầu Công Việc

1.   Knowledge of quality standards and systems, inspection methods, and problem-solving techniques related to footwear.
2.   Ability to negotiate, persuade, and communicate effectively with suppliers, team members, and senior management.
3.   Ability to lead, motivate, and manage a team, fostering a collaborative and productive work environment.
4.   Strong problem-solving skills to address quality issues, supply chain challenges, and any conflicts that arise in a timely and effective manner.

Thông tin khác

  • Bằng cấp: Cao đẳng
  • Độ tuổi: Không giới hạn tuổi
  • Lương: Cạnh tranh
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